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Celebrating Summer in Palma de Mallorca - Fiesta de Sant Joan

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

As you may know, the 21st of June is the date of the summer solstice, which marks the beginning of the summer and also is the shortest night of the year. However, all over the Mediterranean, and in most of the Balearic Islands, the festivities take place in the night of the 23rd, on the eve on Saint John's day.

Fairs, parties, beach bonfires, dance and music are the key elements of this magical night. There are also shows and rituals involving fire.

At around 11pm, the popular correfoc begin, during which various groups of devils, the colles de dimonis, follow the participants. There are also two enormous fire beats, the dragons of Sant Jordi (Saint George) and the Drac de Na Coca, which is associated with some legends of Palma. Then come the big batucada, a kind of samba, and the drums make the whole city rumble.

The night ends with a purifying swim in the sea at midnight. It is believed that bathing on your back whilst holding a candle is the best way to cleanse yourself of impurities and prepare for the upcoming year...

Will we see you there next year?

Happy Summer!

- Palma Insta Team

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